I managed to complete all the previous chips without too much trouble, but I can't seem to make a start on the ALU.
I've read a few posts on this forum from people with similar problems, only I've already looked at what was suggested to them, and I'm still clueless.
For example, I (eventually) noticed that a multiplexor might give me some sort of "if" functionality in logic, that might perhaps be useful in branching for zero/negative. I thought I'd work through the skeletal .hdl for the ALU and try to figure it out stage by stage, but I can't even see how I would make the multiplexor work in this context.
I know that for x, I need to get it in, zero and/or negate it based on the zx/nx bits, and then branch similarly depending on the value of "f". From a high-level, I think I can define
what it needs to do, but I'm really struggling to understand
how to achieve that spec with logic.
In fact, I'm so confused that I'm even struggling to explain how confused I am

I know it's not intended to be a five-minute job, but I feel like I could stare at it for 100 years and not get any further.
Also, I take it I'm correct in thinking that the nx/zx (plus y variant) bits are independent from the other bits, so their logic can be completely separate?
I'd really appreciate it if someone could perhaps put me on the right track. I have a tendency to over-think problems and miss glaringly obvious points, so I'm willing to admit I may have done that here, also!