How to implement 4 bit right shift register using D flip flop?
Is there any way to convert universal logic gates ( or ) to DFF and then implement 4 bit right shift register?
I am attaching the shift right code which I did using or gates, can you please help me to do the 4 bit right shift register using DFF. Thank you
CHIP ShiftRight{
IN in[16];
OUT out[16];
Or(a=false, b=in[15], out=out[15]);
Or(a=false, b=in[15], out=out[14]);
Or(a=false, b=in[14], out=out[13]);
Or(a=false, b=in[13], out=out[12]);
Or(a=false, b=in[12], out=out[11]);
Or(a=false, b=in[11], out=out[10]);
Or(a=false, b=in[10], out=out[9]);
Or(a=false, b=in[9], out=out[8]);
Or(a=false, b=in[8], out=out[7]);
Or(a=false, b=in[7], out=out[6]);
Or(a=false, b=in[6], out=out[5]);
Or(a=false, b=in[5], out=out[4]);
Or(a=false, b=in[4], out=out[3]);
Or(a=false, b=in[3], out=out[2]);
Or(a=false, b=in[2], out=out[1]);
Or(a=false, b=in[1], out=out[0]);