Nand2Tetris Questions and Answers Forum

If you have questions about Nand2Tetris projects or software, you are in the right place. Please select a sub-forum and review the posts; there is a good chance that a similar question was previously asked and answered. If not,  post your question, and we will answer it shortly. If you feel like answering some of the questions yourself, feel free. Please avoid posting solutions or solution segments (a few lines of code is fine). It's important to let people have the freedom to build the computer on their own.

Due to a large number of spam posts, you must be a registered member to post to the forum.

Software and tools can be downloaded from the Nand2Tetris site.
Subcategories Topics Posts Last Post
Information about the web site, the forum, etc. 12 13
by prelude
Please read The Hardware Construction Survival Kit for answers to common questions and other useful information. 1085 5155
by SpartanHalo
500 2314
by mocswy
146 587
by pm100
323 1521
by throwinshapes
311 1354
by throwinshapes
Sub-Forums: Chapter 12 Project 12
143 581
by dolomiti7
Any ideas about new projects related to this book / course? Please share them with us! 135 555
by Arch
Posts about errors, bugs, or problems found in the book, projects, or software tools 177 636
by itsko
Posts that don't fall in any category go here 191 765
by Marty Billingsley
If you wish to say a few words about yourself, please write a post here. It's always fun to know who is using the book / course and in what capacity (instructor, student, self-learner, ...). 127 308
by aloft3371