A Hello and a question regarding the new edition of the book

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A Hello and a question regarding the new edition of the book

Hi Nand2Tetris Forum,

I'm Leander, an electronics student from Austria, wanting to start N2T. This course got me really excited about computer architecture and I can't wait to learn more. I was happy to see how active and welcoming the N2T community is and wanted to ask a question.

Q: Now that the new book version is soon to come out, and me still being without a book, is the newer version a big change, and most importantly: Is it compatible with the Coursera video course?

I wish you all a good week and good health,

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Re: A Hello and a question regarding the new edition of the book

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I don't think the changes are huge, but there are a couple of issues that were addressed that will make the projects not quite compatible between the first and second editions.

The new edition has been supposed to be out soon for quite some time, so I wouldn't wait. I wouldn't rush out and buy the old edition just yet, but remember that you can get the first six chapters of the old edition, plus all the tools plus all the projects for free. The couple differences that I am aware of will be trivially easy to adjust for in order to make the switch.
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Re: A Hello and a question regarding the new edition of the book

Thank you, you helped me make my decision, I'll buy the old edition in paper form, I just like the feel of a book. Obviously, come to think of it, community support will also be better for the old version. Great, I'm jumping in!