ALU Implementation - HELP

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ALU Implementation - HELP

I am stuck on implementing the HDL chip. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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Re: ALU Implementation - HELP

We need a more detailed description of what is giving you problems in order to provide useful suggestions.

What have you tried so far?

Take it little by little.

You have a control bit, zx, that determines whether the input signal x is allowed through or is forced to be zero. Can you implement some HDL code that results in a signal, perhaps called x_zx, that will be equal to x when zx is 0 and equal to zero when zx is 1?
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Re: ALU Implementation - HELP

Thank you for your answer. How do I fill all the bits of a 16-bit variable with one number? So the output of a gate gives a single bit, and I want to duplicate it by every spot in the 16-bit value. I think I remember this being explained in the course, but I can't find it. Thanks.
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Re: ALU Implementation - HELP

There are two hardcoded values, 'true' and 'false' that are interpreted as being equal to 1 and 0, respectively, but that are also interpreted as being the same width as the port they are connected to.