so i made my code but i got some problem finding where i made mistake...
Mux16(a = x, b = false, sel = zx, out = x1);
Mux16(a = y, b = false, sel = zy, out = y1);
Not16(in = x1, out = notx1);
Not16(in = y1, out = noty1);
Mux16(a = x1, b = notx1, sel = nx, out = x2);
Mux16(a = y1, b = noty1, sel = ny, out = y2);
And16(a = x2, b = y2, out = andx2y2);
Add16(a = y2, b = x2, out = addx2y2);
Mux16(a = andx2y2, b = addx2y2, sel = f, out = xy);
Not16(in = xy, out = notxy);
Mux16(a = xy, b = notxy, sel = no, out = out, out[15] = ng, out[0..7] = primo, out[8..15] =
Or8Way(in = primo, out = primo1);
Or8Way(in = secondo, out = secondo1);
Or(a = primo1, b = secondo1, out = primsec);
Not(in = primsec, out = zr);
this is my code and the program result is comparison failure at line 3 where is basically the compute -1