All tests pass but I think it's still wrong

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All tests pass but I think it's still wrong

If I change the bootstrap code to just changing SP to 261 they all pass. However when I edit the VM file for the fibonacci file, I cannot seem to get the output for higher values. I think the jump logic is wrong, and I'm not sure how to resolve this without somehow giving my files to someone and them just telling me I'm okay to continue and it's fine.

If I edit the push constant 4 to push constant 10, am I supposed to get 55?

Also this program got so big and complicated and I solved it so messily that it's a real nightmare to debug. So I really hope I'm good. But I'm pretty sure I'm not. If I briefly make my github repo public would anyone be willing to check if my fibonacci solution is fine? I know there are inefficiencies in it which I will later address, like I use RAM for pop which I'm not sure I have to do. Also my less than needs to be editted because it uses labels which would be confused if it was used more than once.

All I need is someone to say "good to go" so I can continue onto chapter 9 or "cannot continue, test passes but program code is wrong".

It could be that I'm being overly pedantic or woryying too much. Not sure. Are these tests very exhaustive?

I've been trying to complete this book for about 8 years xD
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Re: All tests pass but I think it's still wrong

wahooh! it works, i just needed to run it without the test script! tried it to fib(20) ! i can move forward!!!
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Re: All tests pass but I think it's still wrong

:D Good to hear! Good luck on the rest! You can do it! :)