I'm pleased to announce the availability of Software Suite v2.6.1. It's based off of the official open-source suite, and contains a number of changes and enhancements. Here are the
release notes:
This release incorporates various fixes from the forums:
- Fixed Math.multiply and Math.devide (fix from Mark Armbrust)
- The Hardware Simulator detects and reports cyclic chip definitions (issue #4)
- Fix the horizontal-scrolling problem (fix by Kyle Smith)
And some enhancements and new features:
- New VM profiler, gathers stats about your program runtime. Indespensible when you try to optimize your Jack programs
- VM step-over, when you don't want to enter a function call. Works with recursive calls as well
- The tools now remember the last used animation speed, animation type and the numeric format settings between restarts
- There are now experimental .desktop files, so the tools can be run from the various Linux file managers, like Ubuntu's Nautilus
Internal improvements:
- The project is mavenized, so it's easy to build and to track the depencencies
- The main tools (Hardware Simulator, CPU Emulator and VM Emulator) are packaged in executable jars. They still need to be run from a specific directory, because they depend on several external files. Hopefully, we can fix that as well (issue #3)
- The VM Emulator can properly handle the built-in classes, even when running in a non-interactive mode (issue #2)
- Replaced the .dat files, that were used to remember the last used directory, with Java Preferences API
- The VM Emulator now looks for classes like Jack_String, before falling back to String. This removes the collisions with built-in Java classes
You'll need working Java 7 or greater (JRE or JDK). Just download and unzip the n2t-software-suite.zip file.
Please report problems here or directly in the
github project.