Announcing Logisim display

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Announcing Logisim display


So, you completed all the projects from the course and you had so much fun that you want to do it again? How about using Logisim this time? Except, there is no appropriate display implementing the HACK specification. Until now!

Announcing the logisimn2t project! (it's only a disiplay.) You can grab the compiled .jar file from the release page, or build it yourself.

Happy hacking!

Thanks to Mark for testing it

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Re: Announcing Logisim display

Here's an example using Ivan's Screen component.

Logisim Hack computer drawing a square spiral on the Screen

If you are interested, here is the complete circuit.
This circuit is for Classic Logisim; warranty void if used with other versions of Logisim.

Don't worry, there are no spoilers in this circuit that will help you designing your Nand2Tetris HDL.  8^)
(I'll hoist a beer in your honor if you can tell me how the instruction decoder works!)

The ROM comes preloaded with the program to draw the spiral. There's another program that draws a large X. DrawXX.lsbin is its ROM image.

Pixel operations are rather slow. The program requires just shy of 300,000 instructions to draw the spiral to fill the Screen vertically (at about 120 ips on my slow home PC.)


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Re: Announcing Logisim display

Here's a Python snippet to convert your Hack binary files into ROM images that will work with the computer.

Note, file extension doesn't matter.
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Re: Announcing Logisim display

It's great to see that somebody is actually playing with my Logisim Hack computer.

Thanks for posting the file converter. Other users will find it helpful. I didn't think to post one since my Hack assembler outputs in both Hack and Logisim formats.
