jephricon wrote
I see the following exception on the Java console for the Hardware Simulator:
Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
at Hack.Gates.CompositeGateClass.isLegalToPartEdge(Unknown Source)
at Hack.Gates.CompositeGateClass.createConnectionsGraph(Unknown Source)
at Hack.Gates.CompositeGateClass.<init>(Unknown Source)
at Hack.Gates.GateClass.readHDL(Unknown Source)
at Hack.Gates.GateClass.getGateClass(Unknown Source)
at Hack.HardwareSimulator.HardwareSimulator.loadGate(Unknown Source)
at Hack.HardwareSimulator.HardwareSimulatorController$
nknown Source)
at Source)
Here's my first stab at Memory.hdl. I'm not sure what's tripping this:
CHIP Memory {
IN in[16], load, address[15];
OUT out[16];
DMux4Way(in=load, sel[0]=address[13], sel[1]=address[14], a=ram16k1, b=ram16k2, c=screen, d=false);
(For me, the simulator hangs trying to open the Memory.hdl file, rather than faulting.)
Your problem is the "d=false" in the DMux4Way. This is attempting to connect the output pin "d" to the constant "false". In a case where you don't need an output from a pin, all you need to do is not mention it in the part line:
DMux4Way(in=load, sel[0]=address[13], sel[1]=address[14], a=ram16k1, b=ram16k2, c=screen);
Please edit your post to remove the good part of the HDL.