tsgp32 wrote
First off let me just say how much I like this book. I studied aero engineering in college, but after grad school I got a job in an unrelated field so I could "see the world." Doing these projects as a self study has been a great way to start getting back into engineering. I never had a strong computer science background though and mostly just used matlab and a little c++. I've been reading the book code as a supplemental text and it really helped flesh out some of the concepts covered in the first 5 chapters, but I hit a road block once I got to chapter 6 and had to implement the assembler. Can anyone recommend any good books that I could read along with the text to help me from here on out? Thanks!
For Chapter 6 and beyond you will need some programming experience. Since you've done some C++ programming, you might want to look at Python. There is an online course,
Introduction To Python - Learn Python the hard way v2.0, at DIY Computer Science.
Note that you can write the assembler in C++, But things like the symbol table and parser are easier in a higher level language like Python.
Other people like Ruby and Java. Perhaps they'll offer suggestions for learning those languages.