2 posts
Last semester I started the Nand2Tetris program and a few months ago I finished writing the assembler. I liked the computer architecture so much, that I wanted to build a physical version of the CPU, before starting the more advanced compilers and operating system.
To build a working version of the CPU specified in Nand2Tetris I’m using Verilog to program an FPGA and then to communicate with a PC over serial. The PC simulates the RAM and ROM, including the keyboard and display. Recently I finished programming the interface for the serial communication, so now the CPU executes about 50 instructions per second. Although it's not very fast now, there are still plenty of optimizations I plan to implement that should increase the speed.
In a few weeks we are supposed to present our projects at a local expo, so I won't have time to write all the compilers and complete the operating system until after the expo. Would it be possible to get executable versions of the compilers (without the source code), so I could write programs in Jack and compile them into assembly to run them on the FPGA?