I'm a former elementary school teacher, currently working on a Masters in Instructional Design and Technology. Seven years in the New York public schools taught me that although our public schools ARE broken, none of the fixes that the politicians and charter school edu-preneurs are trying to impose will do anything but privatize an obsolete, 19th-century model. My study of instructional design has convinced me that the future of education lies in the effective integration of human and computer-based instruction, and I want to be part of that future.
To that end, I've taken a few months off from my degree plan to build my technical knowledge, to be able to hack together prototypes of education applications (minimum viable product versions, that is), and to interact effectively with more experienced software engineers in the development of final versions. I started by spending about 6 weeks working full time learning computer programming with Python, completing the Program Arcade Games course by Dr. Paul Craven of Simpson College. The complete course is available for free at www.programarcadegames.com, and is Simpson's version of freshman Computer Science.
Now I'm working 40+ hours a week on Nand2Tetris; I've finished chapters 1-4 so far, before realizing that I was supposed to introduce myself in this forum. So...this is me.