CPU Emulator and symbols in .asm files

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CPU Emulator and symbols in .asm files

I just finished writing the code that translates the StaticTest.vm file to StaticTest.asm file. The .asm file ends up with some variables such as "@StaticTest.0". When I load the .asm file into the CPU Emulator and view the ROM I notice that the line that should be "@StaticTest.0" is actually "@16".

I understand that when I run my .asm file through the assembler that it will see the "@StaticTest.0" during the second pass where it will look for "@StaticTest.0" in the symbol table and will not find it and then it will write a binary value to the output file starting at 16 and incrementing for every @<symbol> it finds that doesn't match a label.

Does the CPU Emulator take the .asm file and clean it up in some way so that it the "@StaticTest.0" gets changed to "@16"?
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Re: CPU Emulator and symbols in .asm files

Yes, when you load an .asm file into the CPUEmulator it runs the file through its built-in assembler.