Hi there,
I understand & watched all the videos, but the CPU.hdl still seems way over my head.
I have spent a long time thinking about it, but I don't know what to implement or solve in which order and have hit a dead end...
From my perspective this task is not for real IT-beginners or perhaps I have gotten too old... but I would very much like to fight through this obstacle and complete the course!
As I may not post code, I will try to describe what my code does resp. what I have produced so far:
- I think, I need to negate the opcode bit, because of the first mux selection (otherweise sel=1 would select the instruction input).
- The first mux chooses between the ALU-output and the input instruction, using the negated opcode as selector and outputs mux1out.
- The ARegister gets the input from the first mux, I don't know what to put into "load" and it outputs Aregout.
- The second mux takes in either the Aregout or a new value from inM, I don't know what to put in sel here, and it outputs mux2out.
- My PC counter takes in Aregout, loads some bit (maybe "d1" .. ?), I also set inc=true, as I believe this would be the default behavior, as long as it musn't reset to 0 or jump somewhere, reset receives the input reset, and outputs pc.
- The DRegister takes in the ALU-output, loads some bit (maybe "d2" .. ?), and outputs Dregout.
- The ALU takes in Dregout for x and mux2out for y, uses the bits from instruction pos. 11 to 6 for its input control bits and emits aluout, zr=?? and ng=?? and I added another output outM.
That's all I have, it's not much ... :(
Beyond presuming d1 is fed to the load bit of the PC and d2 is fed to the load bit of the Dregister, I remain rather clueless...
I have not even thought about the jumping and the zr & ng bits, as I have no idea how to go about that.
I wonder, if there might be someone willing to have a look at my hdl & talk me through this task more comprehensively?