CPU.tst failed but CPU-external.tst success

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CPU.tst failed but CPU-external.tst success

Please help me, I'm getting stuck on testing CPU for a few days now. I've tested with CPU.tst but comparison failed at line 5 and 11, when I compared the CPU.out and CPU.cmp there was no mistake, everything just fine.

Here's the result of CPU.out line 5

and this is CPU.cmp line 5

But then I tried using CPU-external.tst and it went successful. I used Aregister and Dregister built-in in my CPU.hdl, I suppose the problem is in my code but the result was right based on CPU.out and CPU.cmp.

I greatly appreciate your help

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Re: CPU.tst failed but CPU-external.tst success

This is odd, I'll agree.

One thing I noticed is that is says that the Chip Name is "Project05CPU(Clocked)".

Did you change the chip name and the test script?

If so, this is pretty risky.

Try naming the part (and the file) CPU like it is supposed to be and run the original CPU.tst script on it and see if you get any different behavior.
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Re: CPU.tst failed but CPU-external.tst success

Hi, thank you for the reply.

So I tried what you've suggested, rename the chip and .hdl file and .tst to the original name and I still got the same comparison error at line 5 and 11.

Here's my CPU.out

and here is my CPU.cmp

It works just fine in CPU-external.tst

this is my CPU.tst and CPU-external.tst file

Should I send my CPU.hdl to you?
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Re: CPU.tst failed but CPU-external.tst success

How do you know it also has a failure at line 11? Doesn't the script abort as soon as the error at line 5 happens?

Have you tried running the tests where the CPU is using all built-in parts (including the CPU itself)? If that passes, then start adding in your own parts one at a time, starting with just the CPU.hdl file, until it fails. That will let you identify which part is causing the problem.
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Re: CPU.tst failed but CPU-external.tst success

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WBahn wrote
How do you know it also has a failure at line 11? Doesn't the script abort as soon as the error at line 5 happens?
When the comparison failure at line 5 I kept going the test using single step button until the end(so I guess the .tst file didn't abort?).
This image shows failure at line 11 and from that to the end there were no comparison error, so I've got error at line 5 and 11 only.

WBahn wrote
Have you tried running the tests where the CPU is using all built-in parts (including the CPU itself)? If that passes, then start adding in your own parts one at a time, starting with just the CPU.hdl file, until it fails. That will let you identify which part is causing the problem.
I don't think I used my own part, all part in my .hdl program are built-in parts.
Here's my code
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Re: CPU.tst failed but CPU-external.tst success

In reply to this post by WBahn
WBahn wrote
Have you tried running the tests where the CPU is using all built-in parts (including the CPU itself)?
I'm sorry I don't quite get what you mean by this, does the CPU have a built-in parts in tools/builtInChips/ folder?