Hi there, thanks for the help!
I found a mistake in my program and corrected it, but instead of getting an error on line 27, now I'm having one on line 45. It seems to be concerned with PC as well:

Instead of jumping to the next instruction, in this case 26, my PC is feeding in the A-register address directly (PC counter goes to 1000).
Here's what I thought for my jump logic:
1) Create pos flag by XORing ng and zr flags;
2) pos=1 AND j3=1 makes jumppos=1;
3) zr=1 AND j2=1 makes jumpzr=1;
4) ng=1 AND j1=1 makes jumpng=1;
5) jumppos=1 OR jumpzr=1 makes a1=1;
6) a1=1 OR jumpng=1 makes a2=1;
7) a2=1 AND instruction[15]=1 makes jump=1; % If it is a C-instruction and jump condition is satisfied, then JUMP
Hope this is a specific enough explanation of the problem without posting my code.
Thanks for the help!