Can someone explain Label Symbols and Variable Symbols?

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Can someone explain Label Symbols and Variable Symbols?

I am having trouble understanding them partially due to the lack of examples in the readings.
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Re: Can someone explain Label Symbols and Variable Symbols?

Code symbols are defined in (LABEL) statements. Their value is set to the ROM address of the next asm command.  For example, this program adds the numbers from 1 to 100.
// Sum1.asm -- Set RAM[2] = 1 + 2 + ... + 100
    M=D     // RAM[1] = 100
    M=0     // RAM[2] = 0
    M=M+D   // RAM[2] = RAM[2] + RAM[1]
    MD=M-1  // D = RAM[1] = RAM[1]-1
    D;JGT   // repeat while D > 0
    0;JMP   // loop forever
In this program, LOOP will get value 6 and HALT will get value 14.

When an @ command uses a symbol that is not code symbol, that symbol is assumed to be a variable (RAM symbol). Here's the Sum program using variables instead of absolute RAM addresses.
// Sum2.asm -- Set variable 'sum' = 1 + 2 + ... + 100
    M=D     // n = 100
    M=0     // sum = 0
    M=M+D   // sum = sum + n
    MD=M-1  // D = n = n-1
    D;JGT   // repeat while D > 0
    0;JMP   // loop forever
The first time the Assembler or CPUEmulator encounters a symbol that is not a code symbol, it automatically assigns a RAM address to that symbol, starting with address 16.

In this case, the first non-code symbol is 'n' so it gets address 16 and 'sum' will get address 17.

(Note that it's my convention, not a requirement, that code labels are all UPPERCASE and data symbols are all lowercase or mixedCase.)

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Re: Can someone explain Label Symbols and Variable Symbols?

Thank you!