Can't find Output.vm or a built-in implementatio for class Output

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Can't find Output.vm or a built-in implementatio for class Output

The subject says what error message I'm getting from the VMEmulator.

This is a little bizarre because Ouput.vm is in the right folder, and works in another folder (in fact Output.vm is a copy of the one that's working and I've also tried with a direct copy from the OS file) with a different project (that works).

My class, that I've implemented, is the same as the one that works in another project.

My main and class compile successfully.

I've tried restarting the VMEmulator.

I've vastly reduced the size of my main function in case it was a memory issue, no joy.
(In fact the project that does work could well be larger)

Any thoughts as to why I might be getting this error ?

Cheers Lozminda
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That's weird

P.s I managed to get the program to work for one instance, however when I try to repeat it, I get the same error again, and now am unable to repeat the "success"
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Turns out I can't work my own software

In my defence it's been a long day.

Forgot to initialise my own class, which sets up some important static variables.
And also forgot to construct a class member
There might have been a memory issue too, I might test that once I get everything behaving as expected.

"Don't forget to initialise!"