Cannot input small letters to Keyboard

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Cannot input small letters to Keyboard

When I run the supplied Keyboard test routine with the supplied OS vm files I cannot input small letters.  When I press a key such as A I always get a capital A whether or not Shift is pressed.  My guess is that something in the VM emulator is causing this to happen rather than something in the vm files.  Did I miss something somewhere?
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Re: Cannot input small letters to Keyboard

I looked at the Java source (version 2.5.7) for the VM emulator and indeed in Definitions.getKeyCode( ) all letters are converted to capital letters.  I've made a change to my source file to change lines 457 and 458 of from
                        if (code >= 65 && code <= 90)
                                key = code;


                        if (code >= 65 && code <= 90)
                                key = (short)letter;

I can now enter small and capital letters.