baylorfan wrote
When a C-instruction is used to store the computed value in both the A register and in M (i.e., in Memory[A]), which of the two A register values controls the memory location for the computed M? In other words does the C-instruction use the the pre-staged address from the A-instruction (let's call it "staged-A"), or the new computed value stored in the A register (let's call it "computed-A")?
It seems this would be controlled by the order in which the d-bits are processed, i.e., if destination A is processed before M, then the computed value is stored in the memory location of "computed-A", otherwise in that of "staged-A".
Please forgive me if this is spelled out somewhere in Chapter 4.
Short answer: "staged-A".
Welcome to the hardware world where all the instruction decoding happens in parallel; there is no "processing order" for the d-bits. This will make more sense after you've done chapter 5. Take a look at figure 5.9.
The Hack computer executes one instruction per clock cycle. During the execution of AM=A+1, the current value of the A register is driven onto the
addressM bus and the output of the ALU (A+1 in this case) is driven onto the
outM bus. The A-register's
load and <writeM> are driven TRUE. This defines what is going to happen when the clock occurs: A+1 will be
simultaneously stored into RAM[A] and A.
There is a related thread,
Question regarding PC and ARegister, that talks about what happens with an instruction like A=M;JMP.