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Hi I'm a student who is exploring computer science and electrical engineering. For my capstone project of a program I am apart of, I am creating a website that will help guide others through ASIC chips. I was wondering if I can add a link to the nand2tetris website onto the website as well as add a few screenshots of the website and software. The link and screen captures will help people get to your website and act as almost an introduction to your course. Is there a better way to ask for permission? Thank you for your time!
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Re: CircuitXplainer

The people to contact are the authors, particularly Shimon. His contact information is available on the site.

Keep in mind that, while a CPU is almost always implemented as an ASIC, the CPU and other chips in this course are done purely in emulation for logical functionality and none of the many considerations that would apply to implementing them in silicon are addressed -- quite the opposite, no one in their right mind would implement them the way they are done here,