Confusion with the Control Bits within the ALU

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Confusion with the Control Bits within the ALU

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Hi. I'm back again with another question for week two. I'm also currently taking a computer architecture course while taking this course.

 Anyways, I have a question regarding the control bits functions. In this course I'm taking, they're talking about microcode. Is the control bits and the way it is setup, your guys is way of talking about microcode without explicitly saying it? I'm confused because it doesn't seem like you're necessarily coding/defining anything. The way we constructed the ALU made it seem like those functions are hardwired by the way we set everything up using other gates/chips. I guess my question is, are those functions hardwired or coded in the microcode?
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Re: Confusion with the Control Bits within the ALU

The Hack CPU does not use microcode.

Hack instructions are directly decoded by combinational logic to produce the necessary control signals. All instructions execute in exactly one clock cycle, so there is no instruction sequencer beyond a simple program counter.