Difference between the 2 test files in Simple Function

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Difference between the 2 test files in Simple Function

In simplefunction.tst ram[312] is set to 1000 but in simplefunctionVME.tst argument[2] is set to 9. As these two addresses point to the same registor in the ram I'm unsure which is correct or if they both are. Any help would be much appreciated.
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Re: Difference between the 2 test files in Simple Function

Neither is correct or incorrect. It is the return address and it doesn't get checked, so it doesn't matter.

The test script does something that I think is bad practice. It uses two values from the local segment but doesn't initialize them, it merely assumes that they will contain zero.

It would be good if both scripts used the same return address, and that probably was the intention, but since it doesn't matter the scripts probably deviated at some point and it didn't get noticed.
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Re: Difference between the 2 test files in Simple Function

Ok, thanks for clarifying!
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Re: Difference between the 2 test files in Simple Function

In reply to this post by WBahn
Hey! Doesn't it mean that for the VM implementation(vm code), line 9 will mean "after all the code" aka step endlessly till the test finishes, but for CPU implementation(hack code), it contains many more lines so you need at least 1000 to mean "after the all code" ?
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Re: Difference between the 2 test files in Simple Function

There's no meaningful way to interpret it. For what these two tests are doing, it just doesn't matter what value is used.