Discussion post about Nand2Tetris

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Discussion post about Nand2Tetris

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Hi everyone, my name's Lily and I'm new here! Just posting here because I have a specific inquiry that involves Nand2Tetris. We're being required to create a discussion post for class about our interests/ about the recent things that have been keeping us busy lately, and Nand2Tetris projects immediately came to mind. I'm supposed to discuss it with my classmates, and I would just like to ask for some suggestions on how I should write/ approach my post, considering that not everyone is familiar with this program.
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Re: Discussion post about Nand2Tetris

How much of the course have you done ?

Googling "Nand 2 Tetris course synopsis" as a start ? Or am I being totally crackers ?

How much effort do you have to put into this ?
