Does A=M work in the CPU emulator?

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Does A=M work in the CPU emulator?

Hi everyone,

Does the instruction


load correctly in the CPU emulator? I would think it would be assembled as

111 + 1 + 110000 + 100 + 000

The CPU emulator does not load this instruction either in .asm (symbolic) or .hack (binary) form.

I'm using a fairly recent download on a Mac, and am confused as to why this instruction doesn't load. I feel like I'm missing something very obvious.
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Re: Does A=M work in the CPU emulator?

A=M works both symbolically and as binary.

Most often when there are problems loading files into the tools, it is due to Unicode text encoding. Make sure that the text editor you are using is set to ANSI encoding.

Only this instruction fails?
There is no error message in the status bar?

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Re: Does A=M work in the CPU emulator?

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reply.

There is obviously some serious user error going on here. I don't know what I was doing yesterday, but I would swear up, down, left, right, and center that "A=M" was not loading.

Today, it did.

I don't think I changed anything, but I did ask a question on a forum. That usually fixes things in my experience.

Of course, I'm a tired professor, with a 7-day-old, so I probably missed something obvious/did something silly.

Many thanks,