Does anyone have a working copy of the assembler in Python?

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Does anyone have a working copy of the assembler in Python?

I have spent literally 30 hours in the past week trying to get it to work.  I would like to see a working assembler for reference only.  Email at
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Re: Does anyone have a working copy of the assembler in Python?

Answered via email.

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Re: Does anyone have a working copy of the assembler in Python?

In reply to this post by jesusu
I have, if still relevant
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Re: Does anyone have a working copy of the assembler in Python?

In reply to this post by jesusu
Im trying to work through the course now and Ive been stuck on this section for a while.
I've got a symbol-less assembler that pass the other three tests but responds with an error message about a memory address being invalid.
I'd like to puzzle this out, but if anyone could send me a python version of the assembler I'd be very happy.
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Re: Does anyone have a working copy of the assembler in Python?

I wrote my tools in Python. If you want to, you can send me your assembler and I'll take a look at it when I get a chance. My email is
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Re: Does anyone have a working copy of the assembler in Python?

In reply to this post by lyre
The error I'm receiving is  At line 107 : Destination is M but A=24577 is an illegal memory address.
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Re: Does anyone have a working copy of the assembler in Python?

Now I understand what's happening. This error message is coming from the CPU Emulator.

To test your assembler you need to compare its output to the output from the supplied assembler, not run the assembled program.  (See Figure 6.3. in the book or step 2 at the end of the chapter 6 pdf.)
