Expanded SquareGame

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Expanded SquareGame

Just wanted to show what I've done with the base SquareGame code.

Objective is to try and hit the small squares without leaving the screen, hitting a square makes your square smaller and faster.

I used Mark Armbrust's excellent LCG RNG for spawning the small squares.

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Re: Expanded SquareGame

Nice addition to the Square game!

LCGRand was written by Rowan Limb, not me.  I did fix a small bug in the RandRange() function that you might want to incorporate into you copy of LCGRand.  See this post.

LCGRand works great for games like this.

(If you need millions of good random numbers, I wrote LFSR32Rand.  LCGRand repeats after 32749 calls.)
