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Extended Testing time for ram chips

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Extended Testing time for ram chips

As the title says, even on the fast setting, testing RAM8 took several minutes, on a pc that should be
more than capable of keeping up with everybody else's ( core i7, 6gb of ram, etc. ), is this a common simptom or is my implementation ( whilst seemingly correct ) in some way not achieving the results in the intended way? ( I wont actually post it publicly, as that seemingly isnt the way things work around here )

First time poster, by the way, and a huuuge fan of the book

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Re: Extended Testing time for ram chips

KH wrote
As the title says, even on the fast setting, testing RAM8 took several minutes, on a pc that should be
more than capable of keeping up with everybody else's ( core i7, 6gb of ram, etc. ), is this a common simptom or is my implementation ( whilst seemingly correct ) in some way not achieving the results in the intended way? ( I wont actually post it publicly, as that seemingly isnt the way things work around here )

First time poster, by the way, and a huuuge fan of the book

Be sure to set Animation to "No Animation" and Speed to Fast.  RAM8.tst takes about 15 seconds on my system with these settings.  

Also, make sure that you are don't have all your project 1 and 2 HDLs in the same directory as your RAM chips.  Especially with the larger RAMs the complexity grows exponentially and the simulator will run out of memory.  If you started with the project zip files then you should have the right directory structure, but I know that I was copying all my HDLs from the first projects into later projects just so I could see the new parts working with my code instead of the builtins.  It's quite cool to see that you've done it all yourself!

If you are still having problems, become a registered member and you can send me your hdl (more > reply to poster) and I'll be happy to take a look at it.

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Re: Extended Testing time for ram chips

thankyou kindly ( especially for the swift response ), took the steps you suggested and managed to achieve a time of about 15 seconds too, perhaps less even, awesome now I can continue