Okay. New problem.
I'm never going to get the same @variableName assignations as the provided assembler because mine starts assigning from the 16th register while it seems as if, even though Simon has stated that the provided assembler starts assigning from the 16th register, it doesn't always do so.
For example in my Rect.hack I get: 0000000000010000 when I encounter @INFINITE_LOOP for the first time, whereas the provided assembler gives me 0000000000010111.
Not sure if this is going to be a problem when submitting to coursera.
But I have a larger issue at hand.
When the Pong.hack file that I generated from the provided assembler is compared to the Pong.hack that I created with my assembler, I get some startling results.
Attached below are the comparison and the actual lines.

Provided Assembler

My Assembler

As you can see, the assembler's results and mine are not all that different apart from the fact that on line 23115 and line 23119 mine and the assembler results are different.
Also when I run my hack code. I get the following:

which is disconcerting to say the least.
If anyone could please tell me what in the world I'm doing wrong because I have no clue.
If you would like to see my code I'll pm it to you.