Figure 4.2

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Figure 4.2

Bought the book too to check out what information and ideas I could gather from that source too. As such I found this short Hack assembler code, as written in the book:

	@i	// i refers to some mem. location
	M=1	// i=1
	@sum	// sum refers to some mem. location
	M=0	// sum=0
	D=M	// D=M
	D=D-A	// D=i-100
	D;JGT	// If (i-100)>0 goto END
	D=M	// D=i
	M=M+D	// sum=sum+i
	M=M+1	// i=i+1
	0;JMP	// Goto LOOP
	0;JMP	// Infinite loop
Rearranging the loop to always keep @i in the Data-register at each end of the loop, and reusing the @LOOP-jump instruction to also work as the halt-loop, I cut 6 instructions from the code:

// setup
	// initiate sum
	// initiate @i, and load in D
	// add current @i to @sum
	// subtract 100 from D
	// jump to HLT if D >= 0
	// load @i, increase, store, and jump to LOOP
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Re: Figure 4.2

The code in the book generally tries to match a straightforward higher-level understanding of the code. It can often be optimized quite a bit, but it makes it harder for most people, especially people brand new to assembly language, to follow.