I'm working through making the ALU.
To be honest, I got through the first few steps and then "cheated" by looking on Google Code.
I am working through it to make sure I really get it, and I think I do until the last bit, determining the value of zr.
I get how the six input bits affect a and b to create out.
I get that:
If out[15] = 0 --> ng=0 else ng=1.
What I can't figure out is how the determination is made that "out" is either equal to zero or not based exclusively on messing with out[15]. Obviously, if out[15] = 1, the number can't be zero, since that 1 indicates a non-zero negative number.
Can anyone explain the logic, please?
mbm29414 wrote
What I can't figure out is how the determination is made that "out" is either equal to zero or not based exclusively on messing with out[15]. Obviously, if out[15] = 1, the number can't be zero, since that 1 indicates a non-zero negative number.
'zr' cannot be determined based solely on out[15]. You must determine that out[0..15] are all 0. Or, conversely, you must determine that out[0..15] are not all 0 to determine 'not zr'. One of the chips you made in project 1 gets you halfway there...
That's what I thought, but the code in the file from Google Code seemed to indicate you could.
Here's the Google Code section:
/** out2 is the same as the value passed to out
* ng1 is the same as the value passed to ng
Add16(a[0..15]=out2, b[0..15]=true, out[0..15]=out3, out[15]=out315);
Not(in=ng1, out=ngcomp);
And(a=ngcomp, b=out315, out=zr);
So, in the code above, the output value is added to '1111111111111111'. Then, the result is stored into a 16-bit bus and the left-most digit is stored into a 1-bit bus. (Side question: As far as I can tell, out3 is never used; is it only "produced" because you have to have a "full" out before grabbing part of it? Could you not just leave out the "out[0..15]=out3" part?) Then, ng1 (the left-most digit of the output value) is negated and zr is set to ngcomp*out315. This doesn't make sense to me, but I was thinking that these posts are from the authors.
The thought I've had was something like this:
Add16(a=outValue, b[0..15]=true, out=allOnesTest);
And16Way(in=allOnesTest, out=zr);
Of course, we never made an And16Way chip, but I'm thinking along those lines because the first line (or something like it) was in the Google Code file.
If I were to do it from scratch (using the hint you gave), I'd probably come up with this:
Or8Way(in=outValue[0..7], out=firstPartOr);
Or8Way(in=outValue[8..15], out=secondPartOr);
Or(a=firstPartOr, b=secondPartOr, out=orOut);
Not(in=orOut, out=zr);
Is there a better/more efficient way to do this? Am I at least on the right track?
mbm29414 wrote
That's what I thought, but the code in the file from Google Code seemed to indicate you could.
Here's the Google Code section:
/** out2 is the same as the value passed to out
* ng1 is the same as the value passed to ng
Add16(a[0..15]=out2, b[0..15]=true, out[0..15]=out3, out[15]=out315);
Not(in=ng1, out=ngcomp);
And(a=ngcomp, b=out315, out=zr);
So, in the code above, the output value is added to '1111111111111111'. Then, the result is stored into a 16-bit bus and the left-most digit is stored into a 1-bit bus. (Side question: As far as I can tell, out3 is never used; is it only "produced" because you have to have a "full" out before grabbing part of it? Could you not just leave out the "out[0..15]=out3" part?) Then, ng1 (the left-most digit of the output value) is negated and zr is set to ngcomp*out315. This doesn't make sense to me, but I was thinking that these posts are from the authors.
The above circuit does work, but is extremely inefficient; Add16 is huge and slow! Here's what the circuit does:
out2 = out (given)
ng1 = ng (given)
= (out < 0)
out315 = (out-1 < 0)
= (out < 1)
ngcomp = ! ng1
= (out >= 0)
zr = (out >= 0) & (out < 1)
= (out = 0)
As you noticed, 'out3' is unused and is not required.
Your final solution is an efficient solution. Other than signal names it's the same as mine.
Yeah, the signal names were only for clarity in the post; I'd shorten them for the real code.
Thanks for the help. I knew I wasn't crazy!
As I learned from Aaron Hillegass:
"This is hard. I'm not stupid."
The problem is that the solution described below does not work:
Or8Way(in=outValue[0..7], out=firstPartOr);
Or8Way(in=outValue[8..15], out=secondPartOr);
Or(a=firstPartOr, b=secondPartOr, out=orOut);
Not(in=orOut, out=zr);
I keep getting a sub-bussing error.
Sub bus of an internal node may not be used.
Eric M wrote
The problem is that the solution described below does not work:
Or8Way(in=outValue[0..7], out=firstPartOr);
Or8Way(in=outValue[8..15], out=secondPartOr);
Or(a=firstPartOr, b=secondPartOr, out=orOut);
Not(in=orOut, out=zr);
I keep getting a sub-bussing error.
Sub bus of an internal node may not be used.
You must create the 8-bit buses from a chip output:
Something16(... out[0..7]=lowBits, out[8..15]=highBits, ...);
Study the example in A.5.3.