For a modification of my project

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For a modification of my project

I am already completed the my project topic on virtual hardware for 16 bit microprocessor using Nand gates with the help of Nand2Tetris project tools.i am proud of you that.My college proffessors said to me to make little modification in that how can i do it? Please help me..
They don't have conditions ,any modification from that one they will allowed..
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Re: For a modification of my project

The easiest modifications to make to the Hack CPU are to add instructions that work with the existing registers and data paths.

The C-instruction is specified to have the highest 3 bits all set to 1. Most students only use the high bit to choose between A-instructions and C-instructions. This is OK since the test programs only contain A- and C-instructions.

You can add more instructions to the CPU by decoding different combinations of the top 3 instruction bits. A DMux8Way makes it easy to decode the "instruction type" bits.

What new instructions should you implement? Think about things that were difficult to do when you were writing Mult and ASM. Perhaps you want to add more arithmetic operations like Xor or Right Shift.

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Re: For a modification of my project

sir ,
Please suggest some courses for  the construction of  HACK CPU as an helping materials..
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Re: For a modification of my project

There are some posts on this forum that describe changes to the Hack CPU, but they are not simple additions.

The simplest addition would be to add the ability for C-instructions to compute XOR.

Make an Xor16 chip. How can you modify the C-instruction so that it can choose to use the Xor16 instead of the ALU?
