I just checked my version of Memory.hdl. I've got things like:
IN ...... address[15];
SomeChip(..... .... ..., address=address[0..13], .....);
Not sure if this helps you in any way.
Also, this reminds me that I asked Noam and Shimon this question:
In Memory.hdl, project 05, it says: Access to address>0x6000 is invalid.
However, the Memory chip does not output a valid/invalid bit, so it cannot
indicate if an access has been invalid. I understand the sentiment here, but
perhaps it would be wise to also state that Memory.hdl can output any bit
pattern on out[16] for invalid input addresses.
Noam wrote back: Our convention in the book was to never to specify what
happens on invalid input.
What it means is that you are free to wire up the Memory chip to do whatever
you want for adresses above 0x6000. This freedom can help to make the design
of the Memory chip somewhat easier.