I have a question regarding the factorial example from lecture 2.5.
I wrote the factorial program from lecture 2.5 in Jack so I could run it in the VM Emulator:
class Main {
function int main() {
return Main.factorial(3);
function int factorial(int n) {
if (n = 1) {
return 1;
else {
return Math.multiply(n, Main.factorial(n-1));
}I compiled that Jack file using the provided Jack compiler and got this:
1 function Main.main 0
2 push constant 1
3 push constant 3
4 call Main.factorial 1
5 return
6 function Main.factorial 0
7 push argument 0
8 push constant 1
9 eq
10 if-goto IF_TRUE0
11 goto IF_FALSE0
12 label IF_TRUE0
13 push constant 1
14 return
15 goto IF_END0
16 label IF_FALSE0
17 push argument 0
18 push argument 0
19 push constant 1
20 sub
21 call Main.factorial 1
22 call Math.multiply 2
23 return
24 label IF_END0When I run the VM file in the VMEmulator, I find that RAM[256] is set to 28.

I interpret RAM[256] = 28 to be the return address of bootstrap code 'Call Sys.init'.
This all makes some sense to me because, based on my current understanding of bootstrap code, I think that the VM Emulator implicitly tacks a few lines of VM code to the end of this particular VM program because Sys.init is not explicitly defined.
According to my understanding, this implicit code should include:
'Call Sys.init' // Call Sys.init, which calls Main.main as well as calls other OS functions(the saved, overlapping frames of the latter are seen in RAM[261] - RAM[265]).
'label WHILE' // infinite loop to terminate VM program. This should be the return address of 'Call Sys.init'.
'goto WHILE'
I think that 'label WHILE' should be line 28 of the program when taking into account the bootstrap code. Thus, the entire VM program, when taking bootstrap code into account, should look something like this:
1 function Main.main 0
2 push constant 1
3 push constant 3
4 call Main.factorial 1
5 return
6 function Main.factorial 0
7 push argument 0
8 push constant 1
9 eq
10 if-goto IF_TRUE0
11 goto IF_FALSE0
12 label IF_TRUE0
13 push constant 1
14 return
15 goto IF_END0
16 label IF_FALSE0
17 push argument 0
18 push argument 0
19 push constant 1
20 sub
21 call Main.factorial 1
22 call Math.multiply 2
23 return
24 label IF_END0
25 ???
26 ???
27 call Sys.init 0
28 label WHILE
29 goto WHILE
However, having RAM[256] = 28 is still confusing to me. Even if there are a few extra lines of VM code implicitly tacked on to the VM program, there are not enough lines to make 'label WHILE' line 28.
Could someone explain to me what lines of bootstrap code I am missing here?