I wrote a simple Jack program that outputs all prime numbers <= n using the "Sieve of Eratosthenes" algorithm.
The output is nicely formatted, with columns of numbers that line up. Multiple pages of output are handled by asking the user to hit any key before the next page is shown.
Compile this Jack code with the built-in compiler, or your compiler, then run the program in the VMEmulator.
Make sure in the VMEmulator to:
(1) set Speed to "Fast"
(2) set Animation to "No animation"
n is limited by the 14k (14336) Hack computer heap size, less other minor heap allocations. It's a memory hog, but it's very fast - instantaneous.
If you are using the built-in Memory class, you can set n very close to 14k. If you are using your own Memory class, you may have a slightly lower limit if your heap manager does not implement defragmentation. The code imposes a limit of 14000 which should always work.
Here a link to to code:
https://github.com/AndrewRShort/Sieve-of-Eratosthenes/Here are some screenshots of the output in the VMEmulator: