Graphics tearing in VM Emulator

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Graphics tearing in VM Emulator


I tried to write some simple Space Invaders clone in Jack programming language. I have working simple bitmap implementation and keyboard handling for moving right and left.

My problem is in redrawing screen, it flickers very much. I tried to repaint only small part of the screen, but it doesn't help much. In typical desktop applications or game, this problem is solved with double buffering, one buffer for actual frame and second "backbuffer" for building next frame.

I have no idea how to implement this in Jack, because I didn't seen any way to sync with screen refresh. It is possible with Jack to achieve this?

Thanks a lot
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Re: Graphics tearing in VM Emulator

I don't think that there is any way to synchronize the screen activity.  

You definitely want to do as little painting as possible.  I found that a short delay loop between each rendering of a moving object helped a bit.
