Hack Games (Spring 2012 @ Mines) or, "From Nand to..."

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Hack Games (Spring 2012 @ Mines) or, "From Nand to..."

Hi everyone,
Our students here at the Colorado School of Mines just finished project9, in which we create games for the Hack platform. I thought I'd share.


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Re: Hack Games (Spring 2012 @ Mines) or, "From Nand to..."

Thanks for these! They were immensely helpful in the building of my compiler. My compiler would be way, way, less robust (and less of an accomplishment for me) had I not found this body of working, compile-able Jack code.

If the authors read this, I would suggest to them that they provide a link to these projects in the project pages for the compiler chapters.

Every time I had a question about Jack semantics--which was often, since the only language I knew when starting this book was Python--I grep'd these projects. I think had I known some Java (or had more general programming experience), this mightn't've been an issue, but I really wouldn't've made it through had I not found this post.
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Re: Hack Games (Spring 2012 @ Mines) or, "From Nand to..."

I'm amazed at what your students produced, by the way. Some of these projects are massive!
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Re: Hack Games (Spring 2012 @ Mines) or, "From Nand to..."

Glad you liked them and found them helpful.
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Re: Hack Games (Spring 2012 @ Mines) or, "From Nand to..."

I'm a bit confused. Were these originally jack files when Dan made his comments or am I overlooking some way to see the jack code for these projects?