In my job as an embedded systems programmer I do a lot of C.
The year before I discovered the n2t course I had taught a class of gifted 12- and 13-year-olds (and myself!) how to program using Python. I decided that n2t provided the perfect excuse to more deeply explore it. Python has become a regular utility language for me. I like that it's interactive and all the extensions available for it.
I've also written the Assembler in Ruby to explore that language when a student on the forum was talking it up, but it didn't grab me like Python did.
I was working with a student who was fixated on writing his tools in ANSI C and was trying to explain the difficulties he would have dealing with the symbol tables given the lack of built in container types and decided I'd give it a shot in C. I cheated (be sure always to call it please "research"*) and grabbed a hash table library from the net. Since the library I found included dynamic arrays, I could easily buffer the generated code so I write it as a one pass assembler. The result is blazingly fast compared to the Python version.
My latest version of the Assembler is written in Jack. I still need to write a post about it... (See
this post about my Jack Compiler written in Jack.)
* Tom Lehrer,