Joe wrote
So, whenever I try to run my Memory.tst, the hardware simulator gets stuck on the "Loading chip..." step. I've tried restarting the simulator, but that didn't help. I have, however, noticed that every time I hit the "Run" (>>) button, I get the following exception:
[call stack elided]
I'd like to know what's going on. The only thing I had to do that was not in the project description was make a DMux4Way16 (hopefully I don't have to give away why I did that, as other students can look at this post), so the problem might be that, although I cannot imagine why.
Since the only "chip" that you are using that is not a built-in is the DMux4Way16 that you wrote, I'd comment out where it's used in your Memory.hdl. Obviously, your Memory won't work this way, but it may load and run to the point of showing you a comparison failure. This would tell you that there is something in your DMux4Way16 that's freaking out the simulator.
Did you write a DMux4Way16.tst file?
[If you become a registered user, you can mail me your DMux4Way16.hdl and Memory.hdl and I'll be happy to take a look at them and give you clues.]