Hardware Simulator hangs up on loading my memory chip

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Hardware Simulator hangs up on loading my memory chip

The Hardware Simulator freezes while processing my Memory.hdl file, right after I press the "Load Chip" button. The lower pane says "Loading Chip", but nothing seems to happen next (I waited for about 20 minutes). I can't spot any process activity through task manager (CPU load, abnormal RAM usage, disk load etc.), so I doubt that the simulator is actually doing anything in the background. I tried replacing all of the builtin components used in the HDL file by my own versions from the previous projects, I also tried ivant's version 2.6.2 of the simulator, no futher success so far, since I don't have any java programming experience.


I appreciate any suggestions for my HDL code, since the sumulator refuses to yield any meaningful response.

//Assuming out = 0 for any illegal address
CHIP Memory {
    IN in[16], load, address[15];
    OUT out[16];

//SET part
	     sel[0]=address[12], sel[1]=address[13], sel[2]=address[14],
	     a=ramload0, b=ramload1, c=ramload2, d=ramload3,	//000 - 011
	     e=screenloadlo, f=screenloadhi,			//100 - 101
	     g=false,						//110 (keycode can't be loaded)
	     h=false);						//111 (overflow)
    //4x4K RAM arrangement fits better than 1x16K
    RAM4K(in=in, load=ramload0, address=address[0..11], out=ramout0);
    RAM4K(in=in, load=ramload1, address=address[0..11], out=ramout1);
    RAM4K(in=in, load=ramload2, address=address[0..11], out=ramout2);
    RAM4K(in=in, load=ramload3, address=address[0..11], out=ramout3);
    Or(a=screenloadlo, b=screenloadhi, out=screenload);
    Screen(in=in, load=screenload, address=address[0..12], out=screenout);
//GET part
    //the only legit address: 110 0000 0000 0000
    Or8Way(in=address[0..7], out=overflowlo);
    Or8Way(in[0]=address[8], in[1]=address[9], in[2]=address[10], in[3]=address[11], in[4]=address[12],
	   in[5]=false, in[6]=false, in[7]=false, //final multiplexor takes care of these bits
    Or(a=overflowlo, b=overflowhi, out=overflow);
    Mux16(a=keyval, b=false, sel=overflow, out=keyout);
    //final output
    Mux8Way16(a=ramout0, b=ramout1, c=ramout2, d=ramout3,	//000 - 011 (RAM banks)
	      e=screenout, f=screenout,				//100 - 101 (Screen)
	      g=keyout,						//110 (Keyboard)
	      h=false,						//111 (overflow)
	      sel[0]=address[12], sel[1]=address[13], sel[2]=address[14],
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Re: Hardware Simulator hangs up on loading my memory chip

One problem that you have is that you are driving an output signal with another signal.

The lettered signals on the DMux8Way are all outputs. When you tie one of them to false, you are essentially shorting an output to the power supply. How the simulator handles that is anyone's guess. The real world often lets the magic smoke out of the part.

If you don't want to use a particular output signal, then just don't use it. Don't try to overdrive it to be something it's not.
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Re: Hardware Simulator hangs up on loading my memory chip

Thanks for your response!

I got rid of all the grounded connections, now everything works fine.
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Re: Hardware Simulator hangs up on loading my memory chip

In reply to this post by myau
Well, if someone's wondering, a chip design like this won't let the Computer test to pass later on. All the Computer-related tests are hard-coded to look for a RAM16K chip in your design. So they are about to throw an error if RAM16K is not present, even though the Memory chip on its own is operational.
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Re: Hardware Simulator hangs up on loading my memory chip

myau wrote
Well, if someone's wondering, a chip design like this won't let the Computer test to pass later on. All the Computer-related tests are hard-coded to look for a RAM16K chip in your design. So they are about to throw an error if RAM16K is not present, even though the Memory chip on its own is operational.
Which tests, specifically, are hard-coded to look inside your design for anything?

After Chapter 5 there aren't any tests, that I can find, that use the student's CPU implementation at all. Once the CPU is built and tested in Chapter 5 (and you can use any implementation you want), you move up to the next level at which point you are using their CPU Emulator (or tools that work at an even higher level of abstraction).
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Re: Hardware Simulator hangs up on loading my memory chip

The final chip to be designed in Chapter 5 is called Computer. These tests are supplied to check its functionality:
Here is the problem. Whenever I'm trying to run any of them with my Memory chip in use as part of Computer.hdl, I get this:

The problem was gone after I replaced RAM4K chips with RAM16K + some glue logic to make it work. So in this case RAM16K is a requirement, not just recommendation.
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Re: Hardware Simulator hangs up on loading my memory chip

The *-external.tst scripts needing the RAM16K makes sense because the whole point of the external implementations is to allow the test scripts to interact with their internals.

In looking at the non-external test scripts, it also seems like they are accessing chip internals, as well. In fact, they are accessing the internals of even more chips.

I'll try to find out from the authors what their intent was. In the text they only recommend that the built-in chips be used. It seems like if they are needed for the test scripts to work, they should note that pretty clearly.