Having real trouble getting my Vm Translator to work

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Having real trouble getting my Vm Translator to work

Hey guys,

I've spent about 5 days on this project and for some reason, it is failing.

I can't figure out why.

I have checked my logic and I really can't see the bug (I have written in python)

Could you please help me Debug?

I will post my code:

Can you see any obvious problems with my ASM statements?
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Re: Having real trouble getting my Vm Translator to work

How is it not working? Do you take your car to a mechanic and just tell them that there's something wrong with it, or do you try your best to tell him what's wrong with it, at least what the symptoms are?

Can it read the input .vm files?

Can it write the output .asm file?

Can it recognize and skip over comments?

Can it recognize the various vm commands?

Can it parse the various vm command?

Which vm commands does it do correctly?

Which vm commands does it do incorrectly?

Did you implement and test it incrementally?
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Re: Having real trouble getting my Vm Translator to work

Hiya basically everything was loading but the tests failed.

I found a bug in my temp code where I did A=M when it should have been D=M

It is working now!!!!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: "WBahn [via Nand2Tetris Questions and Answers Forum]" <[hidden email]>
Date: 17/06/2019 18:15 (GMT+00:00)
To: Ameeno <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: Having real trouble getting my Vm Translator to work

How is it not working? Do you take your car to a mechanic and just tell them that there's something wrong with it, or do you try your best to tell him what's wrong with it, at least what the symptoms are?

Can it read the input .vm files?

Can it write the output .asm file?

Can it recognize and skip over comments?

Can it recognize the various vm commands?

Can it parse the various vm command?

Which vm commands does it do correctly?

Which vm commands does it do incorrectly?

Did you implement and test it incrementally?

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