Hi! I am Rob

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Hi! I am Rob

Kovacsics Robert
I am a full time student currently at The Judd School (http://frog.judd.kent.sch.uk/), and I am in year 12, which means after the summer I will be spending my last year in the school before going to university, hopefully to Cambridge to do Computer Science (www.cl.cam.ac.uk), which is where I found this book (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/preparation/). Though to be honest, before I encountered this book, I had a failed attempt at doing something similiar by myself, and got as far as a semi-complete ALU, but did not got any further. I, like all the others on this site, find this book a very good read, and am very happy that I found this book. I also like understanding as much as possible (probably why I am reading the boot), not only electronic systems, but also mechanical systems, such as mechanical clocks. I also plan on looking at a mechanical computer after this, not sure how far it will go, because I always have grand ambitions, but not enough perseverance. But if I can understand how a mechanical logic gate works, I should be able to combine it with this book. Oh, also, I am from Hungary, but I have been living in England for a while.

I guess that is a quite lenghty introduction about me, and probably enough.
Thank you for the book