Hi I'm Peter

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Hi I'm Peter

My name is Peter Xu. I'm currently a junior at Columbia University studying Computer Engineering, so this course is right up my alley. My previous institution was Queens College CUNY where I studied Applied Physics. I am part of the Combined Plan program where I earn two degrees, a BA from my home institution and a BS engineering from Columbia. I really like both the hardware and software aspects of technology, which is why I chose my respective majors and why I really enjoy this course.

I hope to finish this course by the end of the summer. Once I complete it, I will take a look at the forum to see where else I can take it. One project that really interests me is implementing the hack machine on an FPGA, which Mr. Schocken mentioned in his TED talk.

Thank you to the creators and contributors for creating this course, preparing all of the materials necessary, and making it free for us. It has really expanded my knowledge about computers and provided some great hands on experience.
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Re: Hi I'm Peter

Hi Peter, have fun!