Hi from Germany, introduce myself

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Hi from Germany, introduce myself

I'm a IBM mainframe systems programmer in retirement (now 67 years old). I read a book review of the new edition in german computer magazine ct from heise verlag. That was the the stuff I waited long time. I didn't hear of Nand2Tetris before. It's so funny to work with the book. I looked for a post regarding alu worksheet task 2 (f(x,y) = 1) and I made the same awkward mistake as a user, I added 1111 + 1111 and without thinking came to the result 10000 (all zero with carry to be ignored). I'm fully familiar with all kinds of boolean constructions and then made such a funny mistake. You see, not only novices make such mistakes. Beginning at year 2000 I experimented with project "Hercules", an IBM mainframe simulator. That was incredibly real. If you run the mainframe console on a PC, coworkers couldn't recognize that this was a simulation (at the first look). So Nand2Tetris is another playground for me to keep my brain up to date.
Many thanks for this great project.
Heinz Wanger
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Re: Hi from Germany, introduce myself

We've effectively talked about the French educational program exhaustively in our past article, and likewise the benefits of contemplating in the French language stream. Presently, we should discuss the upsides of learning German.

German language Classes in Pune