How Do I write codes for classVarDec* in the compileClass?

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How Do I write codes for classVarDec* in the compileClass?


I tried to parse classVarDec* in compileClass() using while expression for an attached sample Jack program. However, I received an error message 'list index out of range.' I wrote while expression as below.
while token[i]=='static' or 'field':
         cn.CompileVarDec()                //cn is a CompilationEngine class

Instead of using while expression, I called CompileclassVarDec() twice to parse classVarDec and then it worked out. I guess CompileclassVarDec() is correct and the problem is related to while expression.

I have no idea why my code output the error and could you give me any clue? If a complete parser program is needed, I will share it.

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Re: How Do I write codes for classVarDec* in the compileClass?

I found out a mistake by myself. It was such an easy one.

The parser for the ExpressionLess Square has been completed. I am now struggling with parsing the rest of the jack programs.