How do you raise the error 'Insufficient string capacity'?

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How do you raise the error 'Insufficient string capacity'?

The OS error code listing includes

19 - String.setInt - Insufficient string capacity

How would you raise this error in the code for String.setInt? Specifically, what check could you do within the function that raises this error.

The simplest check I can think of is whether the string's max length is greater or equal to 5 (and thus has enough space to represent the maximum number of digits possible on the Hack computer). However this falls short for integers less than 5 characters in length which can be represented with smaller strings.

At the moment, I'm just letting the following error handle the overflow scenario...

17 - String.appendChar - String is full
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Re: How do you raise the error 'Insufficient string capacity'?

Since setInt() is a String method, it can check the current and maximum length fields and prevent appendChar() from failing.

My setInt() main loop is basically
    while (len < max) {
        append next character
        if conversion complete
    do Sys.error(19); 
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Re: How do you raise the error 'Insufficient string capacity'?

I see. Thanks!