How to run multiple files in jack

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How to run multiple files in jack

I have two to three files with me for a project of tic tak toe, it has multiple classes, do I run with different files or run it in a single file, if it's multiple files how Do I run them
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Re: How to run multiple files in jack

If your project consists of multiple .jack files, then you need to compile all of them into corresponding .vm files. Those should then be placed in a single directory, along with the author-supplied .vm files for the operating system libraries. The VM Emulator should then be able to execute them (assuming they have no errors).
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Re: How to run multiple files in jack

I have four files with me for a project of tic tak toe, it has multiple files.

Can you check for any errors in these files, thanks for the help
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Re: How to run multiple files in jack

Have you even tried to follow the steps given in the Project section of Chapter 9?

Also, please don't post the same thing in multiple places. It just leads to chaos and confusion. I've deleted your other, identical posts.
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Re: How to run multiple files in jack

In reply to this post by helios77
As I've explained in another post previously:
You have to load the respective folder with all the .VM files into the VM emulator, and not a specific file.