How to translate these VM commands?

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How to translate these VM commands?

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I've hit a roadblock in project 7 and it's mainly down to the fact that I haven't the clear idea how to translate VM commands into assembly code.

Take these VM commands for example:
push constant 111
push constant 333
push constant 888
pop static 8

This is what I had in mind:

But absolutely no clue if this is the correct implementation or not. Please help!
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Re: How to translate these VM commands?

Those look correct.

The way to test them is to put those commands preceded by @256, D=A, @SP, M=D, into a .asm file.
Load it into the CPUEmulator.
Single-step through it and see if it did the right thing.

static.8 should pop into RAM[16] since it is the only RAM variable.

You will likely be doing a lot of single-step testing of code snippets as you implement the more complex VM commands.

Please edit your post to remove the ASM code.

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Re: How to translate these VM commands?

Thanks a ton Cadet.

I assume that the initialisation with @256 is to initialise the stack pointer ?
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Re: How to translate these VM commands?

riverfish wrote
I assume that the initialisation with @256 is to initialise the stack pointer ?
Yes, that is initializing the stack.

It's part of the "bootstrap" code that you will write in project 8.
