How to work with vector in the hack language

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How to work with vector in the hack language

I want to do the following program, in hack, but I do not know how to work with array in that language, it follows the enuado of the program:

Write a program that looks for a value inside an array. The inputs and outputs of the
Program are:
Address 0: The base address of the array.
Address 1: The number of array elements.
Address 2: the element to be searched for.
Address 3: 1 if element is present in the array, 0 otherwise.

Thanks for helping me.
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Re: How to work with vector in the hack language

What a fun exercise!

Perhaps you should start with a drawing of the Hack hardware memory. Write a few values of the array in memory somewhere. Write the base address in R0, the number of elements in R1, etc.

Think about the Hack instruction set - there are only so many commands at your disposal.